Reflexology - Holistic Health
A Reflexology treatment applies massage and pressure using fingers and hands to specific 'reflex' points on the feet and sometimes the hands. Each reflex point or area relates to parts of the body. This ancient therapy has been used for thousands of years to restore balance to the body and mind. It helps to promote a sense of wellbeing, bringing a sense of calm and ease, helping the body to relax and open energy meridians. My clients find sessions incredibly relaxing and restorative. Many choose to book regular monthly or 6 weekly appointments whilst others book a course of treatments to support them in dealing with issues like poor sleep, hormone imbalance, muscular, skeletal issues, and to run in parallel with conventional medical treatments. I am happy to talk through any health issues you might have to discuss if Reflexology is the right choice for you.
I have been qualified for over 20 years and have consistently maintained a practice and active membership of the Association of Reflexology.
My pratice is based at Haven of Beauty, Updown Hill, Windlesham, Surrey GU20 6DX. Appointments can be booked by:
- Tel: 01276 451 504
- Email: