Route to Sustainability Workshops

Are you struggling to tackle the transition to a Sustainable Organisation

Do You Want to Your Teams Reinvigorated and Aligned?

My Wellbeing Map_Website

Goal Mapping™ is a powerful tool that enables connection to and clarity of our true needs and desires. Over the past 24 years it's become an internationally recognised tool for Individuals, Educators, Managers and CEO's.

Goal Mapping™ was the inspiration of Brian Mayne, who I had the good fortune to meet in 2018.  I attended his 'Shine' programme and my life took a new path.  I was so enthralled with Goal Mapping that I trained with Brian as a Goal Mapping Facilitator.

Goal Mapping Facilitator Accreditation

“Brian's Goal Mapping System is one of the best at helping people create a world-class blueprint for their life – not just goals but sustainable success. His mapping systems are a blast and really effective.”

Tony Robbins

Goal Mapping Workshops

My workshops highlight how our thoughts and attitudes influence our lives.  We then develop a clear and compelling roadmap to achieving our goals and dreams. I introduce the DAC Factor, illustrating how our Drive, Attitude and Confidence make the difference between success and failure, helping to develop a growth mindset.

Every particpant will leave a Goal Mapping™ workshop with their  own Goal Map which acts not only as a practical planner but a powerful visualisation tool, engaging both logical and creative elements of the brain.

Participants gain access to the online Goalmapping™ system and I am also able to create a private Team space with access to tools and resources for groups and teams to use to share their maps and develop Team Goal Maps.

The standard workshop takes approximately 3.5 hours to deliver but content and timings can be adjusted to suit the needs of participants.  The emphasis of the workshop can vary according to the needs of the organisation or business but the fundamental points serve everyone.

This tool makes the complicated simple and the helps us connect to our positivity and the power this provides.

Ready to Find Out More?

Feel free to contact me for an obligation free conversation
